R is for RESTORATION through Repentance and Relationship
E is for Evangelism, Exponential, and Excellence
I is for Integration and Increase
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and is Inerrancy (free from error). The word of God reveals the justice, righteousness and love of God through his son Jesus the Christ 2 Timothy 3:16,17
We believe in the Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ 1 Corinthians 15:13
We believe in the virgin birth and that the atonement of Jesus was final for the remission of sins. Hebrews 9:22
We believe in order to receive salvation ones need to CONFESS and REPENT of their sins Romans 10:9-13
We believe in Water & Spirit baptism. St. John 1:33.
We believe in the sacraments of communion 1 Corinthians 1:24,25
We believe one needs to be imparted with the Holy Ghost to live this life on a daily basis and the truest sign of the Holy Spirit are the Fruit of the Spirit in operation in the live of the believer Galatians 5:22,23
We believe in eternal life John 3:16
We believe in the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). We believe in a Homoousian (same substance) and not Homoiousian (like substance) argument of the Trinity. 1 John 5:7
We believe all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
We believe in the second coming our Jesus the Christ 1 Thessalonians 4:17
OUR Purpose
C = Christ Centered 1 Corinthians 8:6
B = Bible Believing Hebrews 4:12
O = Obedience to the Word 1 Samuel 15:22
W = Worship the Lord John 4:23
L = Loving All Mark 12:30-31
N = Non Hypocrite Matthews 23:3
R = Restorative Matthews 17:11
Our Vision
What kind of Church are you? And what do you believe in?
Restoration Springs Interdenominational Church is a Christ-centered, Bible-believing, “Spirit-filled”, church that was established in 1997. Restoration Springs believes that all can be restored by the power and love of Christ. This directs the vision of the church. All our endeavors are built upon this principle. We believe we are the salt of the earth and that we should affect not only our lives but also the lives of those around us. Our congregation consists of all races, genders, economic levels, ages, and religious backgrounds.
Why is the church interdenominational?
The church chose this because we wanted all backgrounds to be invited to the church. Whether Catholic or Protestant, Jew or Gentile you are invited with open arms. In reality, we are all the same because the forgiving grace of Christ covers us all.
Why does the church have instruments and praise the Lord?
According to the Holy Bible, we are commanded to praise the Lord (Psalms 150). In reality, it is amazing that the world can get so loud or outspoken over sports, money, and family but when it comes to the church, we become mute. Since God is the ultimate figure in our lives, we should give him the kind of praise that takes us to a higher level. Instruments in our church signify our belief that God created every musical instrument. Since He created it, we should play it to his glory.
What type of Water Baptism is performed?
Water Baptism (complete submersion) is the public symbolic expression of the believer’s identification with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. Throughout the year, we schedule baptisms for members of the church. In baptism for children, we leave the type of water baptism up to the parents.
How often do you have children dedications?
After a date and time are given, we dedicate the children unto the Lord, as did Jesus. This is for members as well as non-members. The child can be of any age.
Let us be frank. Sunday morning is the most segregated time in America. The black with the blacks. The whites with the whites. The Hispanics with the Hispanics. All within their respective worship services.
It is long Overdue for the church to represent heaven. Heaven will not be divided by race or religion. If we cannot worship together on earth, how do we expect to worship in heaven?
Corporate America, neighborhoods, and sports are more integrated than the present-day American church.
We can make that change. Restoration Springs’ vision includes integration. We challenge you to pray about coming and worshiping with us on our scheduled services.
God Bless