
Listen live on Sunday 11am and Tuesday 7pm
Food Pantry
This is headed by Minister Verletha Santiago.This is done on Wednesday. We feed minimum of 50 people. This includes receiving over 1,000 pounds of food on Thursday via Connecticut Food Share.​Food Pantry is opened the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month @ 6pm.​
FREE Single/Marriage (Pre or Post)/Family/Parenting COUNSELING
FREE to all members in good standing. Dr. Brantley gives members confidential and elusive counseling for members. Good standing is defined as a participating member of the church who upbuild sand upholds the church.
Women Ministry
This is headed by Rukiya Borges
Men & Mentorship Ministry
This is headed by Dr. T. Charles Brantley
Media Ministry
Through the work of Minister Henry Aime. He in charge of audio, CDS, DVDs, and pod cast are created.
Social Media Ministry
Through the work of Minister James Thomas. This includes uploading and creating content for all of our social media platforms.
Two Year Christian Training CLICK for more information.
This is a two year course that will teach all aspects of the Bible. You will graduate with a certificate. This class is taught by Chancellor Brantley.
Cleaning Committee:
Voluntary Time by Members
Relationship Training:
This is directed by Bishop T. Charles Brantley. Every Sunday 930 to 1015am
Music/Praise Team Ministry
This is directed by Bishop T. Charles Brantley with the help of Minister James Thomas and Rukiya Borges
Ushers/Greeters Ministry
This is lead by V Meyers. In this capacity the ushers serve to the highest extent
Comedy Ministry:
Using Bible and Life knowledge Dr. Brantley(Dr. B) travels to do clean mature comedy.
Leadership Core:
Minister Henry Bien-Aime
Minister Verletha Santiago
Minster James Thomas
Deacon Edgar Santiago